Freud, neurobiology and psychotherapy

American TV discussion host Charlie Rose has a series of programmes available online where some of the world’s leading researchers discuss Freud, neurobiology and the latest in psychological treatments for mental illness.

The first programme is a discussion of the legacy of Freud, with neurobiologist Eric Kandel, Freudian psychotherapist Peter Fonagy, inventor of cognitive therapy Aaron Beck and psychiatrist Charlie Roose.

It is a great guide to the differences between Freudian and cognitive approaches to psychotherapy, as well as how it relates to brain function and modern neuroscience.

A second programme looks at a similar topic, but expands the discussion to include cognitive psychological research and also includes psychologists Nancy Kanwisher, Nora Volkow, Rebecca Saxe and Liz Phelps.

Finally, one is a special interview with Eric Kandel, which is guest hosted by fellow Novel Prize winner Harold Varmus, who, incidentally co-founded PLoS – the organisation behind some of the world’s finest open-access science journals.

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